I have thought way to much about how to introduce clothseat which is a collection of clothing and 'stuff' I have on redbubble, a print on demand marketplace. Clothseat feels very different from my other projects yet it shares an important quality - the fabric designs are my photographs. One image is printed on different items supplied by redbubble. A dye sublimation process is used to print a single image on large areas of either polyester or chiffon fabric.
I have been taking lots of photographs of landscapes, and closeups of plants. I had so many images that I started to think about what to do with them I finally thought of clothing and remembered redbubble. My friend author Jenn Reese had introduced me to the marketplace where she has her design work.
I created an account and started uploading images placing them on all sorts of things with surprisingly pleasant results - my images looked good on clothing! So far redbubble was working well as a test site but what was the quality of the clothing?
I'm a member of the fotofemmes collective. An important benefit of being in a collective is having a peer group who can critique your projects. I showed clothseat to fotofemmes member Constance Brinkley. She loved what I had put together and ordered the A-line dress 'Constance' pictured below. When it arrived we were impressed with how well the dress was finished, how beautifully the polyester draped and how lovely my image turned out.
Thanks to Jenn, and Constance for their guidance and support and my good friend Julia Hunt for the clothseat tag line, 'style immersed in nature'.
the 'Constance'